GRC Blog

Welcome to the GRC Recorders pages. This blog provides details on all the relevant news of Glamorgan’s scarcer birds, plus all BBRC & WRP decisions that affect us locally. It will also be used to document the status and occurrence of these scarcer species and we welcome contributions from anyone with photographs, artwork or documentation of rarities past, present and future. The GRC also welcomes all seawatching news from around Glamorgan and news of passage migrants in spring & autumn, uncommon birds in our area and unusual behaviour.

All visitors are welcome. You must first register by sending an email to before you can contribute. An invite will be sent to your email address. Blog content will be strictly moderated. Access to pages and downloads are available to everyone. All photographs on this blog remain the property of the originator.
If you would like to use photos, please arrange permission beforehand.

The Glamorgan Rarities Committee, in conjunction with the Glamorgan Bird Club & Gower Wildlife , have agreed to co-operate with the Welsh Ornithological Society in the sharing of bird records & photographs in the interest of keeping accurate records and to promote birdwatching in North, Mid & South Wales.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Kenfig pool.

                                       One of three Black tern present today.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Kenfig Marsh Harrier

Sorry for the 'Spot The Bird Competition'. It's in there somewhere! 
Thanks for the prompt radio call Jeff and Graham.

Porthcawl seawatch

Seawatch from West Drive, Porthcawl, 10:30-11:30: Manx Shearwater (3), Gannet (1).

 Also, Gadwall (1 m) on Kenfig Pool, KNNR.


Marsh Harrier at Kenfig NNR

A fem/imm was seen over the west reed bed at Kenfig Pool at 11:07 by Graham Powell

Monday, 23 April 2012

Black-throated Diver off Crymlyn Burrows

1 (wp) Black-throated Diver was showing distantly off Crymlyn Burrows this evening. The bird remained distant throughout choosing not to work in with the tide. Seen briefly at first and lost for about an hour when presumably it was fishing. Later more prolonged views as it drifted towards Port talbot docks against the tide. Not seen to fly off and it might be present still on tomorrow morning's high tide?

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Black Stork & Isabelline Wheatear New VC41

BBRC have now accepted the Maesteg Black Stork (J. Slocombe & P. Tabor) & the Gower Isabelline Wheatear (R.H.A. Taylor). This now brings the total seen in VC41 & Greater Glamorgan to 338 species.
West Glamorgan = 308
Eastern Glamorgan = 309
Well done to Jeff, Paul and Rob from all at the GRC on their records.
Full list on Latest Decisions :- see sidebar (right)

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

OOC:Osprey - Cantref Reservoir,Powys

OOC I know,but only just,one of three on Cantref and Beacons Reservoirs on Sun 8.April 2012.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Lesser Scaup

The drake Lesser Scaup was still present at Cosmeston this am [ND & DRWG].
Of interest 3 Common Scoter (2m & 1f) were in Cardiff Bay.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Ferruginous Duck in Cardiff

A female Ferruginous Duck was found by Rob Thomas at Lisvane Res. This is the first record in Cardiff since Oct. 1972. A very nice Good Friday tick for all. A digiscope image of the duck by R. Thomas.

Iceland Gull at Rhaslas Pond

                                                                         (c) M. Hogan
A 2nd C Y year bird (1st W-1st S) Iceland Gull was found at Rhaslas Pond 5/04. Also a Little Ringed Plover there too. [per M. Hogan]. Present again on 10th April [perMHg]