GRC Blog
Welcome to the GRC Recorders pages. This blog provides details on all the relevant news of Glamorgan’s scarcer birds, plus all BBRC & WRP decisions that affect us locally. It will also be used to document the status and occurrence of these scarcer species and we welcome contributions from anyone with photographs, artwork or documentation of rarities past, present and future. The GRC also welcomes all seawatching news from around Glamorgan and news of passage migrants in spring & autumn, uncommon birds in our area and unusual behaviour.
All visitors are welcome. You must first register by sending an email to before you can contribute. An invite will be sent to your email address. Blog content will be strictly moderated. Access to pages and downloads are available to everyone. All photographs on this blog remain the property of the originator. If you would like to use photos, please arrange permission beforehand.
The Glamorgan Rarities Committee, in conjunction with the Glamorgan Bird Club & Gower Wildlife , have agreed to co-operate with the Welsh Ornithological Society in the sharing of bird records & photographs in the interest of keeping accurate records and to promote birdwatching in North, Mid & South Wales.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Lesser Scaup on Eglwys Nunydd
Interestingly Eddie Hunter and Dominic Davidson found a female here near enough a year ago on 13th February or maybe a couple of days before that. Amazingly Dave Lewis, who I was speaking to yesterday, had metioned that the Lesser Scaup turned up at this time last year and that people should be "on the look out for it!"
Try as I might it wouldn't show the upperwing pattern to me but, apart from that it looks pretty good to me.
Looks spot on me from your very nice set of record photos. It would be interesting to compare photos from last year to see how similar these birds look. Although it will be impossible to judge if these are indded the same bird, the coincidental date does make you wonder. Really good find Mark - well done :o)
Thanks Mark - we enjoyed pretty good views of the bird this afternoon after quite a search as it had moved right out to the railway end [southern??] of the reservoir - it was a lifer for my clients, so they were very grateful. Also noted the three drake Greater Scaup and six Goosander of note - two drakes.
Thanks both. It was a british tick for me last year and I know exactly what it's like to chase a duck round that res! I'm glad your clients got good view Neil. Not much to look at but, all the same.
Nice find Mark and great pics.
Could it be the Slimbridge bird that hasn't been seen since 12th Feb? although that bird was a 1st winter.
Worth comparing with the photos I took of the Slimbridge bird in early Jan and posted in both SWB and Birders in Boxers ?
Saw the drake at Cosmeston today - who would have thought we would have two Lesser Scaups in Glamorgan 40 miles apart. Will they ever meet?
From the photos the eye colour looks dull, which would suggest this is probably a bird hatched in 2010. This would mean it can't be last years bird returning. A quick look at Jeff's photos shows the Slimbridge bird being less well-marked than this bird.
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